Horizon Ag


Rice Harvest in Full Gear in Upper Delta

September 5, 2024

CLL19 in Mississippi

CLL19 in Mississippi.

Northeast Arkansas and Missouri

Harvest is fully underway in the Upper Delta. Growers began sampling and harvesting fields around Aug. 19, and there has been a steady increase in activity since that time. Many of the growers I have spoken with say this is the earliest they can remember starting rice harvest. The weather was ideal throughout August and allowed for a good start to the season. The dry weather and low humidity kept the heavy dews at bay, allowing growers to get started earlier in the day.

A cool front brought some rain over Labor Day weekend that stalled harvest, but the cooler temperatures were a welcomed relief from the blistering heat. With rain forecasted for Sept. 14 and Sept. 15, I am not sure how much will get cut during this first week of September. However, after these rain chances, the forecast does provide optimism for continuing what has been a smooth harvest thus far.

The early planted crop is paying off, with yield reports from good to very good for CLL16, CLL18 and CLL19. I have heard many yields in the 190-200 bushels-per-acre range with several reports north of 200 bushels.

With only a limited number of fields harvested, both PVL04 and PVL03 are doing well and cutting in the 170-180 bushels-per-acre range. Crop harvest moisture has been 16% or higher on most acres, although I have heard of a couple of fields that harvested drier than expected, between 13% and 15%.

My counterpart, William Hutchens, who covers from I-40 south in Arkansas, says yields there have been good. He estimates his territory is around 40% harvested as a whole, with the Grand Prairie region leading the way. He said that although most of the crop has been drained or is draining, there will be a small percentage of later planted rice that will be drained throughout the first half of September.

I wish everyone a continued safe and bountiful harvest. Please let me know if I can be of any help.

Jason Satterfield   Jason Satterfield
Senior District Field Representative
(901) 347-9715


Rice harvest is pretty much wide open here in the Mississippi Delta. You can’t turn the corner without seeing a combine running.

I have had some yield reports coming in and CLL19 is looking like a strong performer this year. The yields I have heard about for CLL19 are averaging around 180-190 bushels per acre.

A key characteristic of CLL19 is that farmers like how short the plant is. This means you are not leaving a lot of stalk residue in the field, which should help with field preparations for next year. Although CLL19 is looking really good, CLL18 is still a top-yield contender. Some yield reports have come in saying CLL18 was consistently yielding 200+ bushels per acre.

CLL18 being cut on Canon Farms in Tunica County, MS.

CLL18 being cut on Canon Farms in Tunica County, Mississippi.

We have had some great early harvest weather, so far, other than a big thunderstorm that came through south Bolivar County on Aug, 18 and a wet Labor Day weekend. Let’s hope we can get another stretch of dry weather so we can get this crop out in a timely and efficient manner.

As always if you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Let’s have a great harvest.

Garland Melton   Garland Melton
District Field Representative
(662) 671-2465

National Rice Month

National Rice Month

Horizon Ag is proud to support U.S. rice farmers and to be part of this great industry as we celebrate National Rice Month throughout September. Here are some interesting facts* to share with your non-farmer friends:

  • The U.S. rice industry produces 20 billion pounds of rice annually.

  • There are 5,563 rice farmers throughout the country that grow rice across 2.8 million acres.

  • Most of the farming is done by family farms across six major rice-producing states of Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas.

  • 80 percent of all the rice consumed in the U.S. is grown in the U.S.

  • The average American consumes 27 pounds of rice a year.

  • U.S.-grown rice is naturally gluten-free and the least allergenic of all the grains.

  • A serving of U.S.-grown rice delivers over 15 vitamins and minerals.

  • On average, each rice farm contributes $1 million to their local economy.

  • The U.S. rice industry contributes more than $34 billion to the U.S. economy annually and provides jobs for more than 125,000 people in the U.S.

  • The U.S. is the 5th largest rice exporter in the world and the largest rice exporter outside of Asia.

  • Each year the U.S. rice industry distributes 40 million pounds of rice to combat food insecurity.

* THINK RICE, U.S. Grown – USA Rice

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